Essential Oils to Treat MRSA (and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria)
I’ve recently become extremely interested in essential oils as one of the few effective treatments for MRSA, and other antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. I really believe one of our last resorts to successfully treat these horrible, many times drug-resistant, infections lie with essential oils. I came across a discussion between Dr. Karen Becker (holistic vet) and Dr. Shelton on this subject.
Dr. Shelton, a holistic vet says that she “has MRSA patients who have responded to essential oils when nothing else worked.
Side effects of Corticosteroids in dogs and cats (and alternatives)
Corticosteroids are among the most commonly prescribed medications in veterinary medicine. But they are also the most abused and misused. Many pet parents are tired of the serious side effects and are saying, "Enough! There must be a better way!"
Why are they dangerous?
These stress hormones replace what is naturally produced by the adrenal glands, under the control of the pituitary gland. If we give them to our pet, its pituitary gland senses it and its adrenal glands won't work anymore,
How Can Essential Oil Blends and a Proper Diet Help My Pet?
GREAT QUESTION! And as I find myself answering questions about this topic, all day, by email, Facebook, and our "contact us" form on this site, I find myself not just saying, "there's and oil for that!" at every turn. And that's because I will approach each individual pet's needs from a HOLISTIC approach, because no "one thing" works for every illness, disease, or issue in every single pet. And EVERY part of the pet must be considered. And trust me,
How Do I Get Rid of Stinky Dog Breath?
I have just recently experienced this myself with a new terrier that I just got from my show handler. His breath could about "kill" you! What I've learned about teeth, tarter, and bad breath over the past 30 years is that:
Click here to learn more about feeding a raw diet to your dog!
1.) Bad breath is a result of what is going on in the digestive track. If you are putting high starch and carbs into your dog with processed
What Causes Flaky Skin and Coat?
Just as cold weather and indoor heating can make human hair and skin feel excessively dry, they can have the same effect on your pet's skin and coat as well. The good news is there are things you can do to maintain your pet's coat in good condition even during winter months.
Typically, your pet's flaky skin and dry coat are due to one or more factors, including:
*He's not being groomed often enough
*She's not being bathed often enough, or (rarely) she's